6.16 Waveshaper

Waveshaper can be used for distortion and shaping the waveform of the signal. This plugin is very similar to Dynamics Processor.

X/Y Graph

  • Curve: represents dynamic range in a linear scale of 0-1 amplitude.

  • X axis: represents the peak level of input.

  • Y axis: represents target level of output.

The Graph shows exact sample values rather than dbFS, making it appear non-linear. Also note that a line of x=y will not alter the signal.

Graph Editing

  • Left Click draws lines following the cursor.

  • Shift + Left Click draws a straight line between the current and last point.

  • +/- 1dB: shifts graph line along the Y axis.

  • SMOOTH: smooths graph via cubic interpolation.

  • RESET: nukes graph and reverts it to default x=y function.


  • INPUT: adjusts level of input gain.

  • OUTPUT: adjusts level of output gain.


  • Clip input: toggles clipping of the input signal to 0dBV (or 1) before processing.

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