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The toolbar is located at the top of the LMMS interface underneath the Main Menu bar.
The toolbar has four sections:
On the left hand side are two rows of buttons which can be controlled by clicking and keyboard shortcuts.
The buttons are arranged in 2 rows. The top row contains buttons that handle the project (file controls). The bottom row has buttons that toggle the different windows of the LMMS GUI (window controls).
In the center are three numerical displays for a timer, tempo controls, and time signature controls.
To the right of the numerical displays are two sliders, one for master volume and the other for master pitch.
To the far right is a Wave and Cpu usage display which shows the current audio waveform being played and CPU usage.
The six buttons in the top row deal with opening and saving files.
This opens the same dialog box as the file menu's Export option.
The seven buttons in the second row show or hide various workspace windows. These are toggle buttons for the workspace windows, allowing you to work in a tabbed GUI.
The toggle buttons are:
These buttons can be toggled on or off by clicking or by using keyboard shortcuts. The keyboard shortcuts are as follows, from left to right:
Song-Editor (F5)
Beat & Bassline Editor (F6)
Piano-Roll (F7)
Automation-Editor (F8)
Mixer (F9)
Project-Notes (F10)
Controller-Rack (F11)
As of LMMS 1.3, the shortcuts are:
Song-Editor (Ctrl+1)
Beat & Bassline Editor (Ctrl+2)
Piano-Roll (Ctrl+3)
Automation-Editor (Ctrl+4)
Mixer (Ctrl+5)
Project-Notes (Ctrl+7)
Controller-Rack (Ctrl+6)
In addition to these toolbar controls, all windows have a margin from which a Context Menu can be opened:
Stay On Top keeps that window on top of all other windows.
Maximize displays that window in fullscreen if possible.
Move makes the window follow the cursor until the left mouse button is pressed.
Size resizes the window (following the cursor) until the left mouse button is pressed.
The tempo control displays the current tempo of the song. The tempo can be adjusted in three ways:
By left-clicking on the numerical display and, while continuing to hold the left mouse button down, moving the mouse up or down.
By left-clicking on the numerical display and, while continuing to hold the left mouse button down, rolling the mouse wheel up or down.
By double-clicking on the numerical display, a window will open which will allow you to type in a new numerical value for the tempo.
The tempo can also be automated like any other parameter.
The timer shows the time from the beginning of the song to the current position of play-head. Clicking on the timer toggles it to instead show how many bars, beats, and ticks from the beginning of the song to the current position of the play-head. (Ticks subdivide beats, depending on the time-signature you have chosen.)
The default time signature is 4/4. You can change the time signature by holding the left mouse button down on the value you wish to change and dragging up or down with the mouse. You can also double-click to open a window which will allow you to type in a new value.
The top number dictates the number of beats per measure, and the bottom number dictates the value (eighth, sixteenth, etc.) of each beat.
To the right of the tempo control are the master volume and pitch controls.
Both are controlled by holding the left mouse button down on the slider and dragging it up or down with the mouse.
The Wave/CPU display shows both the current waveform being played and the current CPU usage of all LMMS instruments, effects, and sequencing. You can turn the wave display off or on by left-clicking it. When it is disabled, it will read "Click to enable". For the waveform display color:
Green indicates no clipping
Orange indicates clipping is a risk
Red indicates clipping
The Create New Project button creates a new project.
The Create New Project From Template button creates a new project using a selected template.
The Open Existing Project button opens an existing project file from your LMMS Working Directory (you are also able to point to other directories).
The Recently Opened Project button lists files that you have saved recently. You can then choose a project to open from this list.
The Save Current Project button saves the current project. If you have yet to save the current project, you will be asked to name it and select a directory to store it in.
The Export Current Project button is a shortcut to export the current project as a .wav, .ogg, or .mp3 file (.flac is also avaliable for export as of 1.3).
The Song-Editor toggle button shows/hides the Song Editor.
The Beat+Bassline Editor button shows/hides the Beat+Bassline Editor.
The Piano Roll Editor Window button shows/hides the Piano Roll Editor. (Must be linked to a Piano Roll Clip before it can be used)
The Automation Window button shows/hides the global-song Automation Editor window.
The FX-Mixer toggle-button shows/hides the FX-Mixer.
The Project Notes button shows/hides the Project Notes window.
The Controller-rack toggle button shows/hides the Controller-rack.
The Master Volume control sets the master volume for the entire project.
The Master Pitch control transposes all instruments except those with the Master Pitch toggle disabled.